Insect pest advice
Do you have problems with annoying “house guests”? Of course, we mean insect pests such as moths, cockroaches, fleas etc. Bring a few of the “critters” in a jar and within a few days you will receive a written report on their type, possible damage and control measures. For our effort we charge 15,- EUR.
If you need natural objects for educational or exhibition purposes, please call us. Maybe we have something suitable in stock. In order to be able to renew our lending stock from time to time, we usually charge 10,- EUR per object.
If you have observed or found something special in nature and would like to know what it is, come to us. We will do our best to answer your questions. Such inquiries will of course be handled free of charge.
But a heartfelt request: leave living plants and animals in the nature!
Looking for a gift or souvenir? You can purchase natural history pamphlets, postcards, gift certificates, etc. at our museum box office. A selection of inexpensive fossils and minerals is also for sale.
Guided tours
You can book general or specialized guided tours by calling 0951 – 8631248. Guided tours are also possible outside the official opening hours. The main topics of the guided tour can be arranged individually.