Mineralogical collection
The Mineralogical Collection contains about 10,000 objects. Its oldest parts date back to the first half of the 19th century. Especially curator Andreas Haupt extended the collection in the middle of the 19th century by purchase and exchange (e.g. Krantz/Bonn) or by gifts (e.g. Schönlein/Zurich, Berlin). In 1858 he bought part of the collection of the ducal chancellery Hardt with private funds. Haupt donated the extensive collection to the naturalia cabinet under the name “Dr. Haupts Sammlung ”. Especially among these pieces are many specimens of deposits of the East Bavarian Bohemian bedrock, including several specimens from sites that are no longer accessible today (e.g. Kupferberg).
A collection of deposits with evidence from abandoned mines and sites in northeastern Bavaria was acquired in 1990. It contains about 2000 individual objects from 55 localities.